Gemsbok, a breed of antelope with a large range in Southern Africa, are a visually compelling member of the large oryx antelope family. In addition to its notable face coloring and tall, straight horns, the gemsbok is also known for gracing Namibia’s coat of arms.
Gemsbok are light tan with long black tails. They have black neck and chin straps as well as black coloring along their muzzles and around their eyes. The black lines along the fronts of their legs and lower flanks gives their white lower legs and hooves a sock-like appearance.
Gemsbokk are also notable for being the largest of all the oryx genus antelopes, standing at around four feet at the shoulder, with a body length of between 75 to 94 inches. Males can weigh more than 500 lbs. and boast long, roughly 33-inch ringed horns that angle back.
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